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Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Star of David is 7, not 6

According to Judaic sources, the Star or Shield of David signifies the number SEVEN: that is, the six points plus the center.

- Secrets Behind the Star of David, Star of David,


7 = The 6 points plus the center   
7 = The 6 days of Creation plus the seventh day of rest   
7 = The 6 working days in the week plus Shabbat    
7 = The 6 directions of space plus the center (Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center)   
7 = The 6 Sefirot of the Male (Zeir Anpin) united with the Seventh Sefirot of the Female (Nekuva).
- Secrets Behind the Star of David, Star of David,


>--- References Showing the Star of David is 7, not 6 ---<


Kabbalah teaches that G-d created the world with SEVEN spiritual building blocks- His SEVEN emotional attributes. Accordingly, the entire creation is a reflection of these SEVEN foundational attributes...Correspondingly, the Star of David contains SEVEN compartments- six peaks protruding from a center.

- What is the Mystical Significance of the Star of David? By Naftali Silberberg, 

According to Judaic sources, the Star or Shield of David signifies the number SEVEN: that is, the six points plus the center. The number SEVEN: has religious significance in Judaism...The Seven Spirits of God, as well as the Menorah in the ancient Temple, whose SEVEN: oil lamps rest on three stems branching from each side of a central pole.

- Secrets Behind the Star of David, Star of David,

The 15th-century kabbalist, Isaac Arama, claimed that Psalm 67, later known as the 'Menorah Psalm' because of its SEVEN verses, was engraved on David's shield in the form of a menorah.

- THE STAR OF DAVID, Magen David,

1 comment:

  1. I thought that the Jewish star of David was taken from King David's battle shield.
    Thanks for the clear and short explanation. Very beautiful.
