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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Star of David Definitions Reference Guide


Star of David
(Noun)- a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles; an emblem symbolizing Judaism. - Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal

- WordNet 3.0 Dictionary (at The Free

Star of David
Star of David (noun): a hexagram used as a symbol of Judaism. Also called Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David. --> Related Words for Star of David: Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal.

- Collins World English Dictionary (at

Star of David
(or Mogen David) A six-pointed star composed of two equilateral triangles, one superimposed upside down on the other; a symbol of Judaism.

- McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (2003)

Star of David
(n.) an emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size. Also called Magen David

- Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 2003 (at the Free

Star of David
(Magan David or Mogen Dovid in Hebrew, Shield of David, Solomon's Seal, or Seal of Solomon) is a generally recognized symbol of Judaism and Jewish identity. It is also known as the Jewish Star. With the establishment of the State of Israel the Jewish Star on the Flag of Israel has also become a symbol of Israel.

- Star of David, Bigpedia,

Star of David نجمة داوود 
The hexagram formed by the intersection of two equilateral triangles known today as the Star of David is the most prominent symbol of the state of Israel, and Judaism today, as can be seen on the flag of Israel. However, this symbol was not adopted by Judaism nor Zionism as their symbol until recent times.

- Star of David - Solomon's Seal,

Star of David
(Magen David, Shield of David)- The Star of David is the primary modern emblem of the Jewish religion. How it came to be such is a matter of some debate. Legend has it that the emblem was used by the Biblical King David (hence the name Magen David, or “shield of David”). In reality, it was not associated specifically with the faith until the middle ages, when it began to appear on flags, tombstones, and synagogue decorations. It is probably not coincidental that the symbol was important to the flourishing kabbalistic tradition of the same time period. Kabbalistically, the hexagram symbolizes the six directions of space, the divine union of male and female energy, and the four elements. The Star of David is also important in the Rastafarian and Messianic Christian faiths.

- Symbol Dictionary,

Star of David
An emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size.

- Collins Discovery Encyclopedia (2005)

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