Cornerstone Contents

Sunday, October 7, 2012

All about the Cross of St. Peter

The stone the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone. By the LORD this has been done and it is wonderful in our eyes.

- Psalm 118:22-23

The All-Seeing Eye of St. Peter or, even better, St. Peter's Eye of the Pyramid

Understanding the Christian Cross Turned Upside Down

I beseech you the executioners, crucify me thus, with [my] head downward and not otherwise, and the reason wherefore, I will tell unto them that hear.

- The Acts of Peter, XXXVII

Visually speaking, the Cross of St. Peter is nothing more than a plain, empty cross turned upside down, or 'an inverted Latin cross'. This has been understood by Catholic Christian for nearly 2,000 years and counting, Yet, for whatever reason, an alarming number of Protestants have thrown some rather embarrassing hysterical fits over the Church's continued use of this ancient personal emblem of Saint Peter, the Rock upon which Jesus intended to build His Church.

I tell you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.
- Matthew 16:18

Not withstanding the 'Christian' cry-babies just mentioned, this unique form of Christian Cross continues to be the official symbol of Saint Peter, the Prince of the Apostles. One of the more traditional names for this symbol is the 'Petrine Cross' or, in English, St. Peter's Cross for short. Regardless of any recent Hollywood portrayals of this ikon as 'evil' or 'Satanic' in meaning, the fact remains that the Cross of St. Peter's has, throughout the centuries, always been known to be a authentically Christian symbol. This has continued to be case for all Christian (both Catholic and Protestant), until just recently. One source makes note of this change in the meaning of the symbol:

St Peter's Cross is an inverted cross often associated with Satanism. According to popular belief, the cross is a symbol of inverted grace, or falling away from Christ's grace. However the origins of this little known Christagram is that it represents the legend that states St Peter was crucified upside down, as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). It is often used with two keys, symbolizing the keys of Heaven.

The Alexandrian Biblical scholar, and Church Father, named Origen was one of the first to make reference to St. Peter's Cross by noting that, at the time of his crucifixion by Caesar Nero, Peter 'was crucified head downward, for he had asked that he might suffer in this way'. This, in the simplest, most elegant terms possible, describes the 'little known Catholic tradition of Peter's death.' Until just recently nearly all Catholics learned and were taught to look upon this particular 'cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.' The Church maintains that Saint Peter did this to differentiate from his leader and personal friend, Jesus Christ, who was indeed crucified upright. The reasons for this are as follows:

It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.

The Two Keys Symbol on the Right is sometimes used in conjunction with St. Peter's Cross
According to long-standing Roman Catholic tradition, the Pope has always been seen as St. Peter's direct successor as the Bishop of Rome. Because of this, the Papacy is often represented by the Cross of St. Peter, which may sometimes be iconographically combined with the more familiar 'Keys to Heaven' symbol. In fact, 'during Pope John Paul II's visit to Israel, he sat on a chair with the Cross of Peter cut into the back'. Due to the publication of certain photos in the media clearly showing St. Peter's Cross, this single act and subsequent Protestant uproar over the 'Satanic' significance of the event, was plastered all over the internet. Once again the cry-babies had a temper tantrum, which was pointedly by official Roman Catholic Church authorities. Readers should take note that this same symbol may also seen in Eastern Orthodox Christianity and is 'used by Petrine Orthodox Sebomenoi'.

In modern times, most especially the latter half of the 20th century, this very genuine and authentic Christian symbol of Saint Peter is now being seen, by an tragically increasing amount of people, as a symbolic representation of 'evil'. Sad to say, things have gotten so bad that a single online media photo of Pope John Paul II 'with a backdrop of St Peter's cross went viral quite quickly and has been been blamed for propagating an outrageously absurd belief about the Catholic Church's 'association with Satanism.'. Wikipedia summarizes this recent change in understanding about this historically harmless and docile Christian Cross turned 'Upside Down':

[St. Peter's Cross] has also often become associated with Satanism and anti-religious attitudes, as it is considered to represent the opposite of Christianity by inverting its primary symbol, the Latin Cross. As a result, this symbol has become very popular within anti-religion groups and among some black metal musicians. In films such as The Exorcism of Emily Rose and The Omen, Petrine Crosses are displayed to represent Satan.

The Many, Different Varieties of St. Peter's Crosses on Display
Keep in mind, of course, that 'in Roman Catholicism the Petrine Cross is NOT seen as Satanic in any way.' Admittedly, there some credence to the claim that, even though a inverted Cross is okay, an inverted Crucifix has usually been 'seen as immensely disrespectful, and could be used to represent Satanic forces.' This mainly irrelevant fact has caused at least some observers to smugly conclude the difference 'between a Cross of Peter and upturned Crucifix [has been] sometimes obscured'.

As of now, the mainstream explanation about the uproar contends this subtle, yet essential, difference between an inverted Cross (St. Peter's Cross) and an inverted Crucifix is the primary culprit in the current misunderstanding. As such, the innate similarities between a Cross and a Crucifix must have inevitably lead to quite a lot of 'confusion about the acceptability of each symbol.' While this conclusion tends to please those seeking to avoid any controversy, it still seems a bit simplistic considering the fact that more than a few Protestants still view the exclusively Catholic symbol of the Crucifix as a form of 'evil' idolatry, regardless of whether it is turned right-side up or upside down.

Considering the continued success and influence of Roman Catholic Christianity around the world today (with 1+ billion baptized member and counting), one can safely ignore the continued, exclusively American (Protestant) fixation and hysteria over the age-old symbol of the Cross of St. Peter. Even so, the Church should at least take the time to promote the Christian truth that the inverted cross represents the Rock which is Saint Simon Peter, the one and only Jewish Papa (Pope) of every Catholic from every ethnicity in every country on this planet.

Many know Peter was a simple fisherman, but they forget he was also a full-blooded, God-fearing Jew
As the science-based population statistics clearly indicate, the future is still Saint Peter's, not Martin Luther's, just as his version of the Cross still is, and will continue to be, the exact opposite of the Cross belonging to his LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Therefore, let the truth be known to all who will read and listen by proclaiming it loudly and clearly throughout the internet. Tell everyone the objective facts about how the inverted Cross has not, is not, and will never be a Satanic symbol. Then tell even more that this symbol is actually called the Cross of St. Peter, and long after this great country has vanished from the face of the Earth, it will continue to be turned upside down, both now and forevermore.

Logically speaking, this would be the Flag of St. Peter's United States of America, or less formally called St. Peter's American Flag

...and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

- Matthew 16:18


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