Cornerstone Contents

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Judeo/Christian Understanding of 'Down in the Valley' Below and 'Up on the Mountain' Above'

Phrases found repeatedly in Bibles translated into English

IKON ON THE LEFT: 'The priests of the true God...took away the fire from the altar, and hid it Down In the Valley, in a pit both deep and dry' (II Maccabees 1:19)
IKON ON THE RIGHT: 'Jesus took along Peter and John and James, and went Up On The Mountain to pray' (Luke 9:28)

- The Biblical passage included with the Downward Pointing Pyramid on the left refers to the concealment and preservation of the sacred fire used in the ritual offerings of animals to the LORD as described in the Five Books of Moses
- The Upward Pointing Pyramid on the right describes events just prior to the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ when the ghosts of Elijah and Moses appear and converse with Him ending with all three begin shining with white light
- Both triangles put together creates a Star of David (also Seal of Solomon, Star of Creation, Star of Mary, Hexagram), thus visually representing God's creation as it has always appeared to mankind, a world of Valleys and Mountains, the pyramidal structure of the flames in a Fire (Upward pointing Triangle) and constant directional flow of Water (Downward pointing Triangle), the ground below made up of Earth (Downward Triangle) and the skies above filled with Air (Upright Triangle).

The Full 'Valley/Mountain' References in the Bible

Long ago, when our Fathers were being carried off into the Persian country, the priests of the true God who held office in those days took away the fire from the altar, and hid it Down In the Valley, in a pit both deep and dry, so well guarding their secret so well that none knew where it was to be found.
- II Maccabees 1:19 (Knox Bible)       

Some eight days after these sayings, Jesus took along Peter and John and James, and went Up On The Mountain to pray.
- Luke 9:28 (New American Standard Bible)

Not surprisingly, the Star of David imitates nature both in terms of physical Direction (Top + Bottom) and material Form (Mountain + Valley)

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