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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lucifer is a Saint and it was NEVER the Devil's Name

The (Church) Fathers maintain that Lucifer is NOT the proper name of the Devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen.

- Lucifer, 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia

Lucifer Calaritanus (Italian: Lucifero da Cagliari) (d. May 20, 370 or 371) was a bishop of Cagliari in Sardinia known for his passionate opposition to Arianism. He is venerated as a Saint in Sardinia, though his status remains controversial.

- Lucifer of Cagliari, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Lucifer, better as known as 'Lucifer Calaritanus', or in the Italian language 'Lucifero da Cagliari' is apparently seen by at least some observers a a 'controversial' Saint of the Catholic Church. Even so, anyone that has studied Church history knows quite weell that since Saint Lucifer passed away in the year 371, niire than 1,600 years ago, the likelihood of his actual Sainthood ever being officially revoked by the Church is basically zero and will probably remain that way forever. So any reader who has a burning desire to de-Saint 'Lucifer' should give up now, because it's never going to happen.  In other words, Saint Lucifer is here to stay, no matter what new dirt historians may dig up on him even today.

Saint Lucifer's Biography

Lucifer first appears in history as an envoy from Liberius of Rome to the Emperor Constantius II, requesting the convening of a church council. At the Council of Milan in 354 or 355 he defended Athanasius of Alexandria against Arian attempts to secure his condemnation by Western bishops. It was reported that Constantius II, a supporter of Arian theology, confined Lucifer for three days in the palace, where Lucifer continued to argue vehemently. 

Along with Eusebius of Vercelli and Dionysius of Milan, he was exiled. He travelled first to Syria, then to Palestine and finally to Thebes in Egypt. While in exile, he wrote fiery pamphlets to the emperor in which he proclaimed himself to be ready to suffer martyrdom for his beliefs. After the death of Constantius and the accession of Julian the Apostate, Lucifer was able to return from exile in 362.

- Lucifer of Cagliari, Saint Lucifer, Wikipedia

Saint Lucifer's Major Writings

1. Moriundum esse pro Dei filio (It is Necessary to Die for the Son of God)
2.  De non conveniendo cum haereticis (On not meeting with heretics)
3. De regibus apostaticis (On apostate kings)
4. De non parcendo in Deum delinquentibus (On not forgiving those who transgress against God)

- Lucifer of Cagliari, Saint Lucifer, Wikipedia

The Sainthood of Lucifer
Lucifer's status as a Saint is a matter of controversy. According to John Henry Blunt's 1874 Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought:
"The Church of Cagliari celebrated the feast of a Saint Lucifer on the 20th of May. Two Archbishops of Sardinia wrote for and against the sanctity of Lucifer. The Congregation of the Inquisition imposed silence on both parties, and decreed that the veneration of Lucifer should stand as it was. The Bollandists defend this decree of the Congregation ... contending that the Lucifer in question is not the author of the schism, but another Lucifer who suffered martyrdom in the persecution of the Vandals."

A chapel in Cagliari's cathedral is dedicated to a Saint Lucifer. Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy, wife of Louis XVIII of France, is buried there.

- Lucifer of Cagliari, Saint Lucifer, Wikipedia

LINK--> Lucifer of Cagliari, Saint Lucifer, Wikipedia

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